Sites like will help ease the problem of WhatsApp transfer of valuable data from iphone to Android. There are millions of people out there with loads of whatsApp messages and are in a dilemma on how best to transfer whatsapp from iphone to android. You can conveniently get it done without any expert knowledge with the back-up of credible sites in the mold of the link mentioned above.
The best site that you can trust should give you the privilege of being able to copy your whatsApp message with the accompanying attachment files that flow easily from iphone through to android right on your computer.
These are the simple steps that you can take to ensure a smooth transition:
Step 1
To start with, you have to select s recovery mode. This is very important in this world where things happen at the speed of light. Your data needs adequate protection; so, before you choose any site, it has to be one that will guarantee you a smooth operation of transfer whatsapp from iphone to android that has the capacity to back up the WhatsApp messages.
Step 2
You can now view the WhatsApp chat history on your software. All the messages from your iphone and your Android phone will be displayed on the main interface. Choose from the history by clicking on any of the messages that you want to be transferred. Take action by turning to the top toolbar and click on the menu:” Transfer Messages from iphone to Android”.
Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by going to the file: “Transfer Messages from iPhone to Android”.
Step 3
You can now install the software by connecting both devices to your computer using USB cables. The program will detect the devices.
Check the WhatsApp tap and click on the menu: ‘Transfer WhatsApp messages.’
Step 4
At this juncture, you can conveniently transfer whatsapp from iphone to android with a simple tap on the ‘Tranfer’ button. Adequate data protection is guaranteed during the process of transfer.
In the destination device, the existing WhatsApp messages will be deleted. A pop-up window will then appear, you will be required to confirm the restore social apps.
Step 5
After you have clicked on the ‘Transfer’ button, exercise some patience for the transfer process to complete. It will not take much of your time. How do you know that the process is complete?
You will get to see a confirmation window notifying you that you are through with the process.
Final Notes
You are strongly advised to undertake a regular back-up of your data if you want to get the best experience in the process of transfer whatsapp from iphone to android. There are loads of significant info on WhatsApp which you need to regularly back-up to avoid the unpleasant experience of data loss.
The experience that you will get will be determined by the choice of platform. If you desire something that will give you an easy transition, then you have to look up to sites like for the best results.