The Current Top 3 VPN Service Providers

VPN service comparison
VPN service comparison

VPNs have been making the waves lately as everyone wants to have a taste of what it feels like to surf the internet with the software that makes you somewhat anonymous to the outside world. They’ve in fact become so popular that there are various sites that are solely based on carrying out VPN service comparisons. Short for Virtual Private Network, VPN is a tool or software that directs data sent by an internet user through a server which encrypts said data before it arrives at the user’s intended destination.

The VPN works in a way that makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the websites you visit, hackers, trolls, etc. to know your personal details and use it against you. With the VPN, once someone on the net tries to access your personal information, rather than seeing your real information or raw data, they would see an encrypted data or what you decide to show them. For instance, rather than seeing your real location (USA), they would see the location you decide to show them (Australia).

With the popularity of VPNs, it can only be expected that there will be plenty VPN service providers out there, some better than others. After carrying out some VPN service comparison, we can safely say that the below 3 three are the best VPN service providers out there now:

Pure VPN

Based in Hong-Kong, Pure VPN is a powerful and efficient tool that is capable of enabling users visit all websites, including the ones that restrict visits from people residing in certain zones. The Pure VPN supports lots of protocols including SSTP, and PPTP and you can be rest assured it is going to effectively shield your personal information from unwanted access.
Having a reliability score of 10 (out of 10), the Pure VPN works with all platforms, from the well-known ones to the relatively unknown ones. To put the icing on the cake, the subscription is relatively cheap and they provide 24/7 live chat assistance to their users.

VPN Service Providers
VPN Service Providers


NordVPN is a reputable VPN service provider based in Panama well famed worldwide for its standout attribute – security. NordVPN uses double-hop servers to direct users’ data through two VPNs which in turn sends traffic to the intended website. Its OpenVPN protocol makes use of a 256-bit encryption standard, so you can be rest assured that with this tool, your personal information won’t be accessed by any unwanted person.
NordVPN’s subscription rate is also relatively on the low, and is really cheap for a VPN service provider that allows up to 6 simultaneous connections on a single subscription.

VPN service comparison
VPN service comparison


Coming third on this list is ExpressVPN which was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, and with a reliability score of 9. It makes use of an AES 256-bit encryption by default, along with the OpenVPN. It doesn’t keep any traffic log that shows the content of your session.
The ExpressVPN’s subscription is on the upside but for what it offers, it is totally worth it. The service providers of the ExpressVPN accept payment in Bitcoin, credit card and PayPal.

VPN Service Providers
VPN Service Providers


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