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How Huawei App Gallery Can Be of Help to Your Business

Being featured in Huawei App Gallery is quite important for marketers and businesses. That is because it provides them another opportunity to implement their marketing strategies. The truth is that being featured offers a...

why developers love the Huawei Audio kit

For everyone, especially tech lovers, you will agree with me that the creation of the Huawei Audio kit is the most important and useful part of the HMS Core. It is one of the most...

i-phone 4G – Has everything been addressed?

The i-Phone 4G will be released tomorrow in the UK. With that in mind, we thought that we should give our opinion on whether business mobile phone users should be taking the afternoon off...
3.Switching Phones

4 Things You Need To Do When Switching From Android to iPhone

Compared to the mobile phone choices that we had a decade ago, the majority of available phones right now boils down to either an Android phone or an iOS. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Some...

Telus HTC Desire Android Smartphone Review: Nexus Ones Brother

Today we look at the android HTC Desire smart phone that makes North American debut in this network Telus, the phone has already been released in Europe in March this year and finally found...

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